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Windshield Damage & Insurance

  • Post category:Auto Glass

Windshield damage may occur from a variety of factors, and not just a collision. Gravel kicked up by another vehicle is one of the most common culprits, as well as flying debris during a windstorm. When your windshield has suffered from such damage, it’s best to get it repaired immediately so that the problem does not exacerbate into a bigger one. Obviously, the cost of repair will weigh heavy on you, but bear in mind that, depending on the type of damage and your insurance coverage, you may not need to spend a fortune on rectification.

Am I covered by insurance?

If you have ICBC comprehensive insurance, then yes, you are covered. Just bring your vehicle to First Response Glass and we will take care of everything for you.

Are there exceptions?

Yes, there are exceptions. Comprehensive insurance covers loss or damage to your vehicle under certain circumstances, including:

  • Theft and vandalism
  • Fire, earthquake, explosion
  • Falling or flying objects such as a rock or gravel hitting your windshield
  • Hitting a domestic or wild animal
  • Weather—lightning, windstorm, hail, rising water

Can the damage to my windshield be repaired?

Comprehensive coverage includes free windshield repairs if the damaged area is smaller than the size of a Canadian dollar coin.

The repair should also not leave any residue damage greater than ¼ inch in the driver’s direct line of vision.

The damage cannot be repaired if it is a long crack. The insurance coverage also does not cover any pre-existing damage.

Do I need to pay a deductible?

You won’t have to pay a deductible to have your windshield repaired. However, if our technician deems the damage too severe for repair, then you would need to have a windshield replacement, in which case, the deductible will apply.

Our Promise to You

First Response Glass is here to make your experience with any glass repairs or replacements as convenient and efficient as possible. Whenever we replace your windshield, we will provide you with a lifetime warranty protecting against leaks. You will also receive a deluxe interior shampoo and new wiper blades, and we will make the insurance processing procedure hassle free. We will also provide you with a complimentary courtesy car while your glass replacement is being completed. We know that you are depending on us to complete your replacement with high-quality workmanship and in a timely manner.